Personages in het museum
In addition to the events and the course of the battle in the Roer Triangle, we have now linked a personal story to each character in the museum of a person who fought here in the region, or was from the region. The story not only tells what this person has experienced, but in some cases also what happened to this person and how the museum and its employees reflect on this. In addition to the characters, the museum also contains a number of uniform pieces that have a personal story behind them.

Curious about these personal stories? Then visit the museum and ask our employees about these stories.

Dia1 k

Contact gegevens

  • Het Roerdriehoek museum
  • Dijkstraat 5 6065 AT, Montfort
  • 06-15691733
  • Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
  • Geopend dinsdag t/m vrijdag van 18:00 - 20:00 uur.
  • Elke eerste zondag van de maand geopend
    van 10.00 uur tot 17.00 uur met deskundige gidsen!
  • KvK-nummer: 65717066